The Artistic Path

Drawing in a first phase and painting later on have always been part of my life. When in primary school, my exercise-books contained sketches and scribbles among Italian dictated texts and operations of mathematics! I cannot exactly recall the very moment when I first began drawing but for sure I can say that once I began I have never stopped. The secondary school times were those when I began creating and experimenting thus giving vent to my imagination.

Those were the times when I produced a great number of ink drawings: intermingled figures mixing and intertwining with the human world and those of animals and plants – to which objects and elements belonging to my daily life experience were added, thus creating a sort of figurative “stream of consciousness”.

During my Architectural studies at University, I began to add colours to my drawings and thus came closer to painting which then became my favourite kind of artistic expression – the one where I best succeed in giving form and meaning to my thoughts and emotions. My paintings, independently of their supports, are sometimes the origin and sometimes the result of my inner world – where I try to re-create a quiet metaphysical dimension so rich in meanings and metaphors and in continuous research for a balance between past and future, dreams and reality.

My paintings are mixed-technique ones, starting from a Judaic bitumen base upon which highlights are made by scalpel and then layers of acrylic colours and oil varnishing are added. That is how my world, my dreams and my fantasy take shape by means of brushes and colours.


Tecnica mista su mdf

31,5×45,5 cm



Tecnica mista su mdf

40×40 cm



tecnica mista su tela

60×60 cm



Tecnica mista su mdf

40×40 cm


Autumna e la Luna

Tecnica mista su tela

120×40 cm



Tecnica mista su mdf

40×40 cm



Tecnica mista su tela

60×60 cm



Tecnica mista su tela

50×50 cm